Hitesh Sheth, CEO, Vectra AI

Editorial note: Here are some key concepts proposed by the Deloitte blog:

  • Amid diverging proposals for coping with AI’s dual-edged capabilities, against expectations, most countries analyzed have so far approached the problem with a very similar set of policy responses
  • The general approach has been to Understand the problem better; Grow support for AI to leverage its positive potentials; Shape the resultant development with voluntary standards and regulations as needed
  • It is at the Shape stage where various countries in the analysis diverged, due to cultural and experiential diversity. The divergence implies that governmental action is at an inflection point. Who should have jurisdiction over governing AI? How should societies balance competing imperatives of innovation and safety? What is government’s role in responding to AI developments? The complex answers to these questions are still in the making.
  • Governments may want to revisit overlooked tools that are outcome-based and risk-weighedt regulations that, rather than mandating the right outcomes in all circumstances, focus on incentivizing those desired outcomes regardless of how the technology develops