Organizations must address security challenges to fully capitalize on the enormous potential of converged IT/OT technologies. Here are four core areas to revisit and strengthen:

  1. Bridge the skills divide holistically: Instead of relying solely on IT teams, business leaders must collaborate to bring teams across the C-suite, IT/cybersecurity, product (engineering) and IT operations (corporate) teams together to plan the right convergence path.
  2. Define a strategy for OT/IT security readiness: Executives responsible for OT security should work with their team to assess their environment and develop a robust improvement strategy, executing it using an agile and programmatic approach.
  3. Unlock value from industry frameworks and OT security tools: Security leaders should consider extending cloud-based IT security tools with OT-specific capabilities to span asset discovery, categorization, monitoring, and Security Operations.
  4. Determine whether to outsource or develop internal expertise: While some organizations may have the budget and internal talent to develop comprehensive and tailored IT/OT convergence and security strategies, those that do not fall into this category should not hesitate to leverage trusted managed security service providers to help bridge any gaps.