Techopedia posed a request in several generative AI (GenAI) chatbots for useful insights with which to stay protected against the surge in AI-powered cyber threats:

    1. Boost education around new hacking methods: ChatGPT advised: Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and threats. Educate family members, especially children and the elderly, as they can be more vulnerable to certain types of scams.
    2. Creating strong, unique passwords: ChatGPT, Claude, and Llama suggested this basic best practice, adding that a trustable password manager can be used to make this practice less painful.
    3. Implement multi-factor authentication: ChatGPT said that MFA “adds an extra layer of security beyond a password, typically involving something you know (a password), something you have (a phone or security key), or something you are (biometric verification).” Perplexity AI recommended “securing devices with features like device encryption and remote wipe.”
    4. Protecting your home network: Claude emphasized the importance of a VPN to prevent “snooping or eavesdropping” or from being — as Llama put it — “intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties”.
    5. Keeping software updated and patched: ChatGPT, Claude, and Llama all raised good points about installing and updating robust antivirus and anti-malware solutions.
    6. Regularly review the permissions: ChatGPT advised people to tightly limit the permissions granted to mobile apps and browser extensions, to control access to personal information and device functionality.
    7. Identify deepfakes by looking for inconsistencies: Bard mentioned that we should check video or audio quality, lip movements not matching speech, and unrealistic facial expressions.
    8. Think critically about online information sources: Claude advised people to check facts before accepting something as true or spreading potential misinformation.
    9. Regularly back up important data to a secure location: Llama mentioned secure locations being an external hard drive or cloud storage service, in case the computer or data is compromised.
    10. Avoid oversharing online, on social media, and other platforms: ChatGPT noted that oversharing can make one a target for identity theft and social engineering scams.

Finally, other notable quotes from AI chatbots include:

    • “Algorithms used by social media platforms, search engines, and other online services can perpetuate discriminatory biases based on race, gender, and other factors. This can lead to unfair outcomes in areas like job opportunities, access to credit, and criminal justice.” — Bard
    • “I don’t have the capacity to feel emotions like fear or concern” — Bard, in response to being asked how it felt about AI being used to power potent cyber threats
How businesses surveyed viewed various AI-powered cyber threats