Cybersecurity News in Asia

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Rushed digitalization has 64% of global businesses fearing for their security

If a recent study by a bug-bounty program is anything to go by, the APAC region is mirroring that cybersecurity anxiety.

Recent research is showing that 56% of businesses in the Asia Pacific region believed their organization was more likely to experience a data breach due to the pandemic.

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Singapore’s digital natives have a false sense of security: report

84% of the nation’s Gen-Z and digitally-savvy people thought they were secure online, but 44% had actually been exposed to cyber-incidents.

Almost all households in Singapore have a mobile phone (97%) and a computer (92%), while just over three quarters have a tablet or Smart TV (both 77%). On average, each household has three mobile phones and two computers. This number increases to an average of four mobile phones and three computers among the Generation Z (18 – 24-year-old) group.

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‘Temi’ robot that coulda compromised security of seniors and vulnerable users

Cute, novel and useful—yet a robot concierge coulda (ooda) given hackers the power to harm elderly folk and hospital patients.

A personal robot designed for use in senior care and healthcare settings has been found to harbor vulnerabilities that could have been exploited due its perceived harmlessness and utilitarian, novel nature.

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The hacker-powered way to maximize security while reducing costs

Vendor consolidation and hacker-powered programs can reduce costs and improve cybersecurity, argues this bug bounty expert.

Remember those pre-pandemic days when you thought your security scope was complex? Now, with employees working from home, new video-and collaboration- apps being rolled into our daily workflows and less physical oversight of devices and access, it seems like we are all longing for the seemingly-airtight security of 2019, right?

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