Our data-driven business world needs purpose-built data protection solutions that combine centralized management with a highly scalable architecture for best-in-class ease of use.

  • 57% of enterprise hardware tech decision-makers are adopting technologies like storage class memory (SCM) while 57% report adopting hyperconverged systems. Solid state drives (SSDs) stand out as a technology enterprises are adopting or planning to adopt (74%), as do external flash arrays (68%), and scale-out network-attached storage (NAS)/object storage systems (66%).
  • 21% of respondents cited “big data” — an element of digital transformation efforts that includes data analytics and AI initiatives — as a contributor to data storage growth.
  • More than 40% of enterprise respondents say their firm stores at least a petabyte of data. This number will only increase as more enterprises take advantage of generative AI and other associated technologies.
  • Respondents worry about cloud data security and privacy, such as concerns about sensitive data leakage in public cloud-hosted genAI tools.

Some key features of ActiveProtect that would meet the future needs of companies Like Toyota would include:

  • Unified management and control: These appliances centralize organization-wide data protection policies, tasks, and appliances, offering a unified management and control plane. Comprehensive coverage for endpoints, servers, hypervisors, storage systems, databases, and Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace services dramatically reduce IT blind spots and the necessity of operating multiple data protection solutions.
  • Ease of deployment and management: IT teams can quickly deploy ActiveProtect appliances in minutes and create comprehensive data protection plans via global policies using a centralized console. Whether implementing immutability, air-gapping policies, or performing restore operations, ActiveProtect is designed to be intuitive, significantly reducing operational overheads.
  • Scalability: Each ActiveProtect appliance can operate in standalone or cluster-managed modes. Storage capacity can be tiered with Synology NAS/SAN storage solutions, C2 Object Storage, and other ActiveProtect appliances in the cluster. It is flexible enough that existing Synology Backup for Business deployments can be managed from the unified interface.
  • Fast and efficient backups: ActiveProtect appliances leverage incremental backups with source-side, global, and cross-site deduplication to ensure fast backups and replication with minimal bandwidth usage. They are up to 7 times faster at backing up with a typical deduplication ratio of over 2:1, significantly reducing operating costs.