As global shortages in cybersecurity talent persist, the use of AI/ML can buffer the heavier workloads — just beware of the pitfalls…

Koh Ssu Han, Solutions Engineering Director (ASEAN), CyberArk

Therefore, Generative AI (GenAI) and machine learning (ML) hold immense potential to bolster identity security, particularly in security-policy optimization, risk reduction, and threat detection. Other benefits also include:

  • Improving user/threat identification and the understanding of network usage patterns and trends to allow more-informed decision-making, thereby reducing human errors and incidents. For instance, through AI-based ‘user behavioral analytics’ tools, organizations can review large datasets to spot signs of risky user activities and anomalies, something that may be beyond human capabilities because of the large datasets involved. This allows organizations the agility to quickly investigate and address potential issues before they escalate.
  • Proactive organizations can also leverage these insights in their educational programs to inform users outside of IT about behavioral patterns to avoid — to help improve security awareness within their organizations.