Third, 37% ranked Identity Access Management (IAM) and 38% ranked compliance as the top cloud challenges in managing cloud environments: At 36%, shadow IT came in third overall, followed by risk of cloud misconfiguration at 34%. Additionally, when asked how risk is monitored across cloud infrastructure, 44.6% of overall respondents indicated they conducted regular audits and assessments. Also:

  • Some 74% of respondents agreed to the prompt that phishing/social engineering incidents had increased in sophistication. Ranked from the top, the most serious threats were indicated as phishing/social engineering (32%), software vulnerabilities and/or zero-days (32%); GenAI’s influence on cyber threats (29%) and ransomware (29%); and insider threats (28%). GenAI was viewed by respondents as the top threat in France (35.5%), the US (34.4%) and Germany (32.8%).
  • Over a third of respondents cited “24×7 security coverage” as the number one reason for using managed detection and response services, followed “access to high-level security analysts” (29%) and “ability to proactively threat hunt” (29%).
  • 93% of respondents cited plans to increase investments in proactive cybersecurity measures, and 37% indicated “very likely” increases in these investments.
  • 28% cited “adhering to data compliance and regulations” as the number one challenge in their current security solutions. Extending capabilities across multiple environments was second (27.5%), followed by incompatibility with other security solutions (25%).