Personal finances$1,687
Child’s data$1,587
Government records$1,491
Medical records$1,344
Personal cloud data$1,336
User credentials$1,128
Customer records$959
Social media$886
Basic personal data$886
Dating profile / messages$873
Playlists / video streaming information$761

The real cost of ransomware

The findings above come from a global piece of research, which asked consumers in China, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom and United States what they thought about the issue of ransomware.

The survey showed that as many as 40% of consumers held the leader of the organization personally responsible for the attack of these:

  • Nearly a quarter (23%) said the CEO should face a prison sentence
  • Nearly one in three (30%) said the CEO should be banned from running companies in the future
  • Over one in three (35%) said the CEO should pay a fine
  • Over a quarter (27%) said the CEO should resign
  • A quarter (25%) said the CEO should take a pay cut or be demoted
  • And over two-fifths (42%) said the CEO should publicly apologize