Data from a survey of 600 schools around the world show differences in the way they responded to ransomware attacks/demands

Third, in terms of recovery time, 30% of respondents that had cited having been involved in ransomware incidents (from both the lower- and higher- education sectors) indicated there were able to fully recover in a week or less, down from a 2023 survey’s figure of 33% (lower education) and 40% (higher education). Also:

  • Overall, the top root causes of ransomware attacks in the Lower Education sector were cited as: exploited vulnerability, malicious emails, compromised credentials. In the Higher Education sector, the top root causes were cited as exploited vulnerability, compromised credentials, malicious emails.
  • In terms of ransom demands, the median value was US$6.6m in Lower Education and US$4.4m in the Higher Education sector, as cited by the relevant respondents. Of those opting to pay, 55% of respondents from Lower Education and 67% from the Higher Education sector indicated that their organization had paid more than what had been initially demanded by attackers, after negotiations. Conversely, 32% of respondents from Lower Education and 20% of those from Higher Education had cited paying less, after negotiations than the original demand.
  • 64% of respondents from Lower Education, and 66% of those from Higher Education had cited benefiting from advice from law enforcement and/or official government bodies about dealing with their cyber experience: 61% cited receiving support in investigating the attack.