In a section focusing on election identity fraud, the global average of respondents worried about the potential for AI and deepfakes to influence upcoming elections in their country was 75%, compared to 83% in Singapore respondents, 83% in Mexico respondents, and 72%/60% in the US and UK respectively. Also:

  • 76% of Singapore respondents agreed with the prompted statement: “Compared to the last election, I will be more skeptical of the political content I see online.” The other respondents from Mexico, the US and the UK agreed in the following percentages: 74%, 70% and 64%.
  • 33% of UK respondents indicated they could “easily spot a deepfake of a politician”, compared to 37% of US respondent, 51% of Mexico respondents, and 60% of Singapore respondents.
  • 30% of UK respondents agreed with the prompt “I trust political news that I see online, despite the possibility of encountering audio/video/image deepfakes”, compared to 32%, 45% and 60% of US, Mexico and Singapore respondents respectively.