Whitepaper: Global Threat Landscape Report A Semiannual Report by FortiGuard Labs


Global cybersecurity threats include leading-edge vulnerability detections and developments

Global Threat Landscape Report A Semiannual Report by FortiGuard Labs

Malware and other cybersecurity threats can compromise the on-premise and virtual data of an entire organisation, such as telcos and managed services, using stolen information in fraud and other criminal activities.

The top cybersecurity threats in the first half of 2021 include ransomware, detected malvertising, Industrial Control System (ICS) threat signatures, and scareware attempts

Detecting ransomware, botnet, malicious codes, and other forms of cybersecurity vulnerabilities is crucial to ensure business security and continuity and avoid indirect involvement in cybercrime.

This paper identifies various cybersecurity vulnerabilities and developments to avoid breaches, fraud, identity theft, and other cybercriminal activities.


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