To lure young gamers, cybercriminals have been found to use the following tactics in their phishing and website spoofing activities:

  • Offering new or varied “skins” for game characters: Essentially involving clothing or armor that can enhance the capabilities and invincibility of game characters, such skins can be easy to procure; but those that are extremely rare (and therefore more desirable) can be dangled by scammers to lure young gamers.
  • Offering in-game currency: Disguised as freebies or prizes for performing certain activities on malicious websites, scammers have used offers of in-game currency to trick young gamers into supply login information and other sensitive data as part of a fake “verification step”.
  • Using generative AI to automate and personalize phishing attacks that are more likely to deceive young gamers. New advanced phishing kits have been made available on the Dark Web to allowing an increasing number of scammers and cybercriminals to deploy highly effective phishing sites that mimic popular gaming platforms.