Cybersecurity News in Asia

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SMEs beware: DeathStalker is waiting to get you

Hackers for hire have presented persistent threats across the world, but new evasion techniques make small- and medium-sized enterprises most vulnerable.

A ‘mercenary’ advanced persistent threat (APT) group has been leveraging efficient espionage attacks on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the financial sector since at least 2012. The most recent discoveries demonstrate that the group DeathStalker has spread across Argentina, China, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates.

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Distributed workforces will be tomorrow’s normal: deal with the cyber risks NOW

The global migration to remote-working has made businesses realize its many benefits. But security is one antithesis that needs urgent addressing.

COVID-19 has accelerated the introduction of remote-working (or Work-From-Home) by at least five years for 62% of organizations in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, according to a new study by cybersecurity solutions firm Barracuda Networks. This is the case particular in the legal (75%), human resources (75%), education (67%) and travel & transport (67%) industries.

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global supply chains threatened by DNS attacks

The down-time and massive disruptions caused by phishing and malware are jeopardizing the world’s manufacturing industries, says this zero-trust proponent.

The Industry 4.0 era has provided manufacturers with the digital capabilities to make industrial manufacturing and the management of local, regional and global supply chains more efficient and sustainable.

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Tightening e-commerce security without ruining the customer experience

The latest forms of biometric and risk-based authentication can boost cybersecurity and yet are transparent to customers. Find out how…

As digital commerce surges during COVID-19, criminals are using this disruption to scale up attacks and steal information they can exploit for financial gain. Google says it is blocking more than 240 million COVID-themed spam messages each day, along with 18 million malware and phishing emails.

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Towards a passwordless future: A report

Reducing password-reliance in common identification and authentication processes requires a concerted global catalyst: the pandemic may be just the thing!

About 15 years ago, Bill Gates said at a cybersecurity conference in San Francisco that “passwords cannot meet the challenge of keeping critical information secure.” Fast forward to today, and we are still busy trying to create a world that is less reliant on passwords.

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When we know remote-working puts corporate cybersecurity at risk …

we should bolster security practices and policies instead of dwell in complacency, as one US survey seems to indicate.

By now, the whole world knows that the massive global move to remote-working has attracted more cyber attackers and scammers. In yet another survey, the results point to the same trend.

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Sharp rise in remotely-exploitable Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Vulnerabilities detected

This includes over 70% of 365 ICS flaws published in the National Vulnerability Database for the first half of 2020: Report.

More than 70% of industrial control system (ICS) vulnerabilities can be exploited remotely, highlighting the importance of protecting internet-facing ICS devices and remote access connections.

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