Cybersecurity News in Asia

code to cloud summit 2023

Europe & India

June 21, 2023
10 AM CEST | 2:30 PM IST



June 22, 2023



July 11, 2023

Where Code and Cloud Security Meet

We’re looking forward to seeing you at the 2023 Code to Cloud Cybersecurity Summit!

We’re gathering the most loved experts and up-and-coming voices in the cloud. DevOps and security to share their key insights and unique perspectives. Tune in to our DevOps and SecOps tracks. Where you’ll discover practical how-tos and visionary ideas that you can apply to your day-to-day work.

You’ll be joined by thousands of your peers as you hear from over 25 speakers across 20+ keynotes, technical sessions, roundtable discussions and hands-on labs.

Opt-in to receive an invitation to our live hands-on lab at the summit.

New Field


KEYNOTES - Explore Keynote Sessions
Getting Cloud Security Right – Learning from Our Past

It is often said that “Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it”. Over the decades I’ve seen and disrupted many of the traditional security architecture norms. Now, with the adoption of cloud, security professionals have a clean slate and a rare opportunity to architect their security right. Avoiding the reactionary steps of the past is how we will achieve the necessary efficiencies to truly leverage the power of the cloud.

Join me to learn what fragmented the security market, what we learned from security architectures of the past, how to implement a modern cloud security solution, and prepare for the future.


Nir Zuk
Founder and CTO
Palo Alto Networks

Fueling Cloud Security To Match the Speed Of Developers

Applications are increasingly being developed across cloud-native, multi cloud and hybrid environments. This presents opportunities for faster development. But also challenges as security teams can fall behind. To close this gap, organizations can consolidate security into a multifunction platform that is simple for teams to use and is embedded in every phase of the application development cycle. The platform approach addresses a broad set of interconnected needs spanning traditionally disparate teams. Join Ankur Shah, SVP of product and his team of industry luminaries as they discuss:

  • Application Remediation: Why the market has over-invested in remediation that just slows developers down and how a prevention-first strategy is the only way to ensure security risks don’t become incidents
  • Expanding Attack Surface: how developers are driving digital innovation, while attackers follow suit
  • Platform Approach Works: How thousands of Prisma Cloud customers are breaking down operational silos and scaling security by building a culture of DevSecOps


Ankur Shah
SVP & GM Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks

Guy Isenkot
VP, Product, Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks

Ory Segal
CTO, Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks

Daniel Krivelevich
CTO, App Sec
Palo Alto Networks

Building Security into Workflows with HashiCorp and Palo Alto Networks

The infrastructure automation landscape is maturing quickly. An emerging trend is leveraging cloud platform teams to scale infrastructure rapidly, ensuring operations, security, and networking teams adopt a common infrastructure foundation as part of a cloud operating model. In this talk, learn how you can utilize a cloud operating model to simplify your workflows and increase security across your applications in partnership with Palo Alto Networks.


Armon Dadgar
Founder and CTO

Advancing Cyber Risk Governance

Insights around the new cybersecurity risk governance requirements impacting the industry.


Chris Hetner
Senior Cyber Risk Advisor National Association of Corporate Directors

DEVOPS TRACK - Explore Track Content
5 Steps for Securing Your Software Supply Chain


  • Edwin Kwan – Head of Application Security and Advisory, Australian Financial Services Organisation

3 Proven Tips From The Field on Leadership, Culture, and Strategy


  • Dutch Schwartz – Cloud Security Strategist

Improve Your Automation To Reduce Toil


  • Mandi Walls – DevOps Advocate, PagerDuty

What Does Kubernetes Have To Do With DevOps?


  • Cornelia Davis – Technologist

Building A DevSecOps Culture By Shifting Security Left In The Containers’ World


  • Asier Azaceta Reinares – Cloud Security Architect, IBM

Using Infrastructurentext To Gain Higher Insights


  • Taylor Smith, Palo Alto Networks
SECOPS TRACK - Explore Track Content
Solving The Identity Crisis


  • Paul Simmonds – CEO, Global Identity Foundation

Building A Security Program That Doesn’t Slow Down Your Developers


  • Maya Kaczorowski – Head of Product, Tailscale

Cloud Identities: The New Security Perimeter


  • Cameron Hyde – Senior Product Marketing Specialist, Palo Alto Networks
  • Izabelle Yankelevich – Senior Product Manager Prisma Cloud, Palo Alto Networks

Threat models are useless. Threat modeling is essential.


  • Rob Picard – Head of Security, Vanta

Product Spotlight: Securing What’s Next In Your Cloud: What’s New in Prisma Cloud


  • Jason Williams – Senior Manager, Product Marketing, Palo Alto Networks
  • Mohit Bhasin – Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Palo Alto Networks

When The Walls Come Tumbling Down: Learnings From Supply Chain Attacks


  • David Okeyode – EMEA Azure CTO, Palo Alto Networks

Introducing The OWASP Top Ten For Kubernetes


  • Jimmy Mesta – Co-Founder & CTO, KSOC


Item 1

Nir Zuk
Founder and CTO
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Simon Green
President. Japan & Asia Pacific
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Stephen Giguere
Cloud Security Advocate
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Guy Ienkot
VP, Product, Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Ory Segal
CTO, Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Daniel Krivelvich
CTO, App Sec
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Ankur Shah
SVP, Products, Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Armon Dadgar
Founder and CTO

Item 1

Chandra Sekar
CMO, Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Fabian Kammel
Technical Security
Architct, ControlPlane

Item 1

Edwin Kwan
Head Of Application
Security and Adivsory
Australian Financial
Services Organisaton

Item 1

Jimmy Mesta
Co-Founder & CTO

Item 1

Mandi Walls
DevOps Advocate

Item 1

Paul Simmonds
CEO, Global Identity

Item 1

Asier Azaceta Reinares
Cloud Security Architect

Item 1

Jason Williams
Senior Manager, Product
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Mohit Bhasin
Sr. Product Marketing
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Maya Kaczorowski
Head of Product

Item 1

Dutch Schwartz
Cloud Security Strategist

Item 1

David Okeyode
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Joylynn Kirui
Security Advocate

Item 1

Cornelia Davis

Item 1

Rob Picard
Head of Security

Item 1

Taylor Smith
Senior Product Manager
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Cameron Hyde
Senior Product Marketing
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Jon Burghart
Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Bob West
CSO, Prisma Cloud
Palo Alto Networks

Item 1

Chris Hetner
Senior Cyber Risk Advisor
National Association of
Corporate Directors

Item 1

Izabelle Yankelevich
Senior Product manager
Prisma Cloud, Palo Alto